Simple Care Tips to Protect a Ring From Damage

Many items of jewellery are expensive, yet their small size and frequent wear puts them at a higher risk of loss or damage than other possessions of similar value. Rings, in particular, are often prone to damage, since your hands are constantly busy carrying out tasks throughout the day.

This puts some people off wearing a special ring as often as they'd like to, out of fear it will become damaged. That's a real shame, though, and you don't need to keep your jewellery stashed in a drawer just to make sure it's safe.

Follow these tips instead, and you'll be able to get use out of your ring with minimal risk of damaging it.

Take it off for certain activities

It's a good idea to get into the habit of taking rings off at night. People don't always realise how much they move about during their sleep, and this movement can easily cause small amounts of strain and damage that build up over time.

You should also remove rings for home improvement activities and when carrying out any work that could put your jewellery at risk.

Check it regularly

Minor signs of damage can usually be repaired easily and at a low cost, but if they're left, your ring could end up needing more extensive work. Check your ring weekly, looking for tiny cracks and other signs of stress. A magnifying glass helps you spot any problems.

Another important thing to check is jewel settings. Gently wiggle any stones to make sure they're firmly in place, with no movement. A monthly cleaning is also a good idea, as the build-up of dirt can sometimes be the only thing keeping a stone in place.

Avoid harmful chemicals

There are chemicals all around that can cause damage to precious metals and stones. Take rings off before swimming, as pool chlorine can be harmful. Cleaning products are another source of damage, and even cosmetic products or ordinary dishwashing detergent can lead to problems.

If your ring comes into contact with any chemicals or cleaning materials, give it a thorough rinse as quickly as you can and dry it carefully.

Keep it protected

When you take your ring off, it's important to make sure it's safe while it's not being worn. Keeping it in a velvet bag or a ring box is the best way to do this, and you can put either one in a pocket so it's handy whenever you need it.

Contact a jewellery repair professional for additional advice.
